Women is praying


Which of the following responses best describes the definition of faith?
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Vancouver, British Columbia


One of the imprints of death on a human life is the silence that it places on the once living human being. And the Holodomor of 1933 silenced many people for no other reason than that they spoke words in a language which was branded as unacceptable.
UOCC Sobor and Centenary


It seems incongruous to speak about love when talking about a man-made famine, and yet it is only normal and natural for humans to refer to love under all circumstances.

Justice and Mercy

It almost seems incongruous to speak about justice when reflecting on the Holodomor because this word becomes absurd in the light of what transpired in 1933. What justice are we talking about? The event is so horrendous that it boggles the mind trying to grasp it.


Hope is a necessary component to being human. All tyrants, all who commit crimes against humanity always attack hope and take it away from the victims because they know how important hope is for humans, for remaining human.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Some Thoughts and Reflections on the Subject) (Bilingual PDF)

It is going to be 90 years since Canada witnessed the formation of an ecclesiastical body then known as the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada (UGOCC). By whom was this Church organized? Certainly not by missionaries specifically assigned to this task from some foreign country.

Iм’я зобов’язує – На присвоєння Кам’янець-Подільському університету імені Івана Огієнка знадобилося 18 років

Нарешті історична справедливість восторжествувала — Кам’янецьПодільському національному університету присвоєно ім’я Івана Огієнка. Цьому передувала доволі тривала, а подекуди й драматична історія домагань прогресивної української громадськост

Interview with the Most Rev. Kallistos Ware, Archbishop of Gt. Britain

Bishop Kallistos, may I ask you how you understand the role of the ecumenical observers here at the Conference?

On the 1020th Anniversary of the Baptism of Rus’-Ukraine (Bilingual PDF)

This year our Metropolitanate, the Kyivan, once the largest by territory, is celebrating 1020 years from the time of its official baptism. This is a holy day not only for Kyiv but for the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
UOCC Centennial 2018

Interview with Bishop Ilarion

Єпископ Іларіон (Рудник) — постать у релігійному житті України нова, але навряд чи випадкова. За більш ніж триста років це перший українець (та ще й громадянин нашої країни), якого висвятив у єпископи Константинопольський патріарх.
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